Getting away from the chaos of the city? We have forgotten what the mother nature was. Let’s reveal its positive effects once again.
Especially in times of crisis, you want to get away from the chaos of the city. Sometimes it’s just going to a different city, doesn’t really matter where you go, good or bad. You should imagine what will happen when you start to do this by living in nature. However, very few people already have the opportunity to do this. Due to decay of forests and other greenland, many of us have forgotten what the nature was. For this reason, we wanted to reveal its positive effects in order to remind it.
1. Mother Nature Gives Happiness and Helps us Make Sense of life!

It is the common result of the researches on human psychology about nature so far: The more communed with mother nature, the happier we are.
2. Those Who Live in Nature are Less Stressed Than Those Who Live in The City!

In a study conducted with 280 participants in Japan, half of the participants were sent to the forest and half to the city center. The next day, those in the city and those in the forest changed places. As a result of the research, scientists revealed that those living in the forest had lower blood pressure and exposed to less stress than those living in the city.
3. Mother Nature is the Most Natural Antidepressant.

Nature, acting as a teacher, teaches us how to be happy when we feel overwhelmed and discouraged.
4. Hiking in Nature Strengthens Our Immune System and Muscles.

It strengthens not only our soul but also our body. Researches show that chemicals emitted from plants strengthen the immune system of people.
5. Spending Time in Nature Increases Our Creativity.

Being addicted to the phone is one of the worst habits of modern life. Because whenever we are bored, we find ourselves sliding things on the screen. There is a lot of scientific evidence that boredom increases creativity, but if we finally get a mobile phone in hand, the result changes. Spending time in nature when we are bored increases our creativity.
6. Living with Nature Increases Our Strength to Endure Pain.
In terms of genetics, our bodies are designed to live in nature. Living in it keeps us away from the pain and sorrow.
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Reference: Carnegieendowment