Outdoor and Cooking
Outdoor and Cooking section gives list of foods and how to cook them. Thus, Camparest is sharing the camping experience on what to eat in camp. It is necessary to pay attention to nutrition.
Especially, if you are going to spend a long time in nature, camping foods and cooking becomes even more important in this regard. We’ve put together easy lists of camping menu in this section, from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch. You will only need a pan, portable teapot, and camping pot for our menu. We prepared it with pleasure.
If you have this or a similar package menu, share it with us by email or in the comments field below.
Do you know what is bannock? Bannock bread is a type of cereal bread that is baked or baked over a fire. Bannock Bread, also called “sac pita” by the Scots, is a type of unleavened camp bread. It made from barley or oats.