Substantial Fundamentals to Consider in Winter Camp: Best Tips

Although it is a lot fun in winter camp, it is more serious compared to summer camp. You need to be ready for any unexpected conditions. It is too painful to do winter camp without suitable equipment and knowledge. Can you live in a camper in the winter? Yes, here are some useful lists for your winter camp.

The Right Equipment for Winter Camp

Camping in winter is enjoyable and easier than you think with the right equipment. Before making it, you must get winter equipment.  Otherwise, your camp could turn into a trouble. Tents for at least four seasons, minus-grade overalls (note the extreme and comfort ratings), thermal underwear, leggings, etc

How to Insulate a Camper in the Winter Use

Here is the full list of how to keep a camper warm in the winter:

Thermal Blanket (Emergency Blanket) Saves Lives in Winter Camp!

Since thermal blankets are low-cost, light and small, they are very preferable. These blankets will keep up your body temperature.

Thermal Socks Selection for Winter Camp

One of the most important things when camping on cold days in winter is to keep our feet warm. Especially when sleeping, the warm feet are essential in terms of sleep quality. In that case, regular socks will be useless. Thermal socks are perfect for winter camps in terms of both quick drying properties and resistance to low temperatures.  The important detail about thermal socks is the material being used.  Thermal socks made from special fabrics such as CoolMax will give you a very comfortable camping opportunity.

Berets and Neck Braces

Berets and Neck Braces are very popular on winter camps. Especially in windy weather, beret-neck brace suits that can protect both your neck and head will be your lifesaver The use of berets while sleeping in the tent at night will prevent the heat loss of your body and reduce your heat lost to the lowest level.  Cotton-soft berets and neck braces will preferably keep you warmer.

Thermal Balaclava

Thermal balaclava, which completely protect your head and face, are an equipment that you must keep with you, especially in camps to be built in windy weather in winter. A little longer lower part of these balaclava can also protect your neck.

Heat Insulated Mat

If you’re using a regular mat, you’re in a trouble in winter camps. In winter, the ground will be colder than usual, so normal mats can’t protect you from the cold coming from the ground. Thermally insulated ones are the most suitable mats for winter camp. Also laying inflatable mats directly on the floor will not protect you from the cold. By the inflatable mat laying on the thermally insulated mat, you can sleep in winter camps in a very warm and very comfortable way.

Do Not Ignore Hot Drinkers in Winter Camp

In cold weather, we use more energy to stabilize your body temperature, and by means of this we lose water. Thus, in very cold weather, you can lose 5-7 liters of water in a day although you are resting. So often drink water and consume carbohydrate-heavy foods to keep your energy up. So you can stay warmer. Consume lots of hot drinks. You can balance your body temperature in this way.

Make Sure That the Area Where We Will Build Tents is not Windy

Make sure the area where you will set up your tent is flat and firm ground, you may need to crush the snow if it is a snow-covered ground. Otherwise, your tent may lose its integrity if the snow melts. As much as we like to build it under trees, it can be risky. Tree branches can be broken due to the weight of the snow that has been on the branches. So watch out for snowy branches!

Get a Sleeping Bag Suitable for the Weather Conditions of Your Camping Area

Always try (get within) before you purchase the sleeping bag, because you may face with some trouble in a sleeping bag that will come narrow and small. Choose synthetic sleeping bags compared to goose feather fillers, because you won’t be able to maintain the temperature in case the goose feather sleeping bags get wet. If you put your feet in your backpack after entering the sleeping bag, you can keep your feet warm! Never put your face in a jumpsuit while you sleep in a sleeping bag. The resulting moisture coming from your breath removes the isolation of the sleeping bag, causing you to wake up in the morning shivering from the wet and cold. You can get warm via garbage bags on top of your sock. You can also wear surgical gloves under your gloves.

Make Sure to Have Vaseline With You

You can get a protective layer against the cold by applying vaseline into your exposed areas, as well as by applying it on your tent or tarp ropes, protecting it against freezing.

how to insulate a tent for winter camping

A small tealight candle that you will light inside the tent increases the temperature of the tent by 4ºC. But keep in mind that the candle also consumes the oxygen inside. So don’t say, “Well, then I’ll light four or five candles to warm up.” Just light a single candle when you’re too cold. Do not sleep while the candle is lit, and in the meantime do not burn the tent. Chemically reacting hand/foot/body heaters and pocket stoves are a good option for warming up in a tent. They produce heat up to 40-45°C and maintain this temperature for about 6 hours. To warm up, you can boil water as needed, pour it in a pet bottle, put it in a sleeping bag, or carry a hot water bag.

Toilet Needs and Keeping up Body Temperature in Winter Camp

When you need a toilet, don’t hesitate to go out in the cold, don’t hold it, make sure you go out and take it away. Because in order to keep the urine warm, your body consumes additional energy, which causes you to get cold.

How to Camp in the Winter

If you sleep with more than one person in the tent, try to sleep as close as possible to each other. This reduces the cold air coming from the tent floor.

Do not drink caffeinated beverages before going to bed. It makes it difficult for you to sleep and makes you feel the cold more.

Eating something energizing before bed makes the night more comfortable.

Wearing a hat, neck brace and gloves that also cover your ears significantly reduces your heat loss. Remember, you lose the most heat from your neck.

Don’t turn off your tent vents just because it’s cold. Otherwise, there’ll be a serious humid concentration inside the tent and everything will get wet.

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